Who's looking after our American Contractors working in the WAR ZONE???

Remember the Preston Wheeler Ambush? Well I have the Recovery Video taken 4 days later...
Again the town was to be cleared, no Insurgents, no civilians, no Iraqi Police, he said they were told that they would have excellent security during the recovery to include Air, Armor and Infantry.....suppose to be a safe recovery for the contractors, but instead from what I'm hearing from the person who helped shoot the recovery video, it didn't happen...Instead within 10 minutes of going in... to recovery the trucks, they were ROCKED by teenage boys and men. Iraqi Police and civilians were everywhere...After the 3rd convoy truck went in to recover...Mortars started landing 70 meters away from where they were staged at. Above are photos from that recovery that day, 4 days later after many civilians lives were lost.
Did it need to happen?
Many of the contractors who survived this ambush are still fighting in the courts for medical.....suffering from PTSD. Many can not get the help they need to recover...
Also word is on the streets that KBR is hiring a huge amount of TCN's (Third Country Nationals) who do not speak english. Being a convoy commander with TCN's, can be kind of hard, especially during an insurgent attack....How do you translate for one who doesn't speak english to "MOVE OUT OF THE KILL ZONE?" Instead you get a bunch of non english speaking convoy drivers stopping when being fired upon by insurgents!
This bringing back to mind....."Who's looking after the contractors working in the Iraq War Zone?"
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