Thursday, June 21, 2007

KBR a Head Hunter not employer?

Now why can't contractors file for Texas Un-employement again? Here is what is out there for KBR jobs contacts.
Recruiters in Houston that specialize in jobs in Iraq?..look at the email address, is this not false advertisement

SERVICE EMPLOYERS INTERNATIONAL, Inc. a foreign entity located in the Cayman Island and with an office in Dubai.

Click the link to see all of Halliburton's Subsidaries (subsidiary - an assistant subject to the authority or control of another)

Please understand when going to sites like these: JobLines

You never know who your applying for, you just might end up working for some foreign company who doesn't have to abide by American Work Force Law when injured, and know that the DBA (Defense Base Act) is fought by many of the Insurer's, don't be fool or mislead to believe that if you are injured you are automatically covered by it.
Go and read the court cases (OALJ site)
One DBA (Defense Bast Act)Attorney sent me record of a pending case, they guy was injured on Feb.02, 2006 after almost daily battling with the Insurer, two of the injured guys doctors and 2 of the Insurer co. doctors agreeing the guy needed surgery. The insurer still fought, and denied his surgery. Finally a little over a year for the injured contractor, one suffering with not just back injuries, but loss of Bladder control finally was able to have his surgery on May 23,2007
If you read the KBR Employee's Hand book under "Sick Leave" it kinda makes you wonder why these guys are so frustrated. 1st these guys are not fighting KBR, they work for SEII, view the documents by double clicking. I have all of this handbook in PDF files which I can't load on the blog, but it makes you really wonder who are the American Contractors truely working for? Is this misleading or what? Many contractors state that KBR says SEII is the payroll, but until you are injured do you truely understand for whom you worked for.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

United States House of Representatives


Working in a War Zone: Post Traumatic Stress Disorder in Civilians Returning from Iraq

Subcommittee on the Middle East and South Asia

The Honorable Gary L. Ackerman, The Honorable George M. Staples, Laurence G. Brown, M.D, Mr. Steve Kashkett

Webcast: WATCH

Preston Wheeler Recovery Video.....Coming Soon!

Who's looking after our American Contractors working in the WAR ZONE???

Remember the Preston Wheeler Ambush? Well I have the Recovery Video taken 4 days later...

Again the town was to be cleared, no Insurgents, no civilians, no Iraqi Police, he said they were told that they would have excellent security during the recovery to include Air, Armor and Infantry.....suppose to be a safe recovery for the contractors, but instead from what I'm hearing from the person who helped shoot the recovery video, it didn't happen...Instead within 10 minutes of going in... to recovery the trucks, they were ROCKED by teenage boys and men. Iraqi Police and civilians were everywhere...After the 3rd convoy truck went in to recover...Mortars started landing 70 meters away from where they were staged at. Above are photos from that recovery that day, 4 days later after many civilians lives were lost.

Did it need to happen?

Many of the contractors who survived this ambush are still fighting in the courts for medical.....suffering from PTSD. Many can not get the help they need to recover...

Also word is on the streets that KBR is hiring a huge amount of TCN's (Third Country Nationals) who do not speak english. Being a convoy commander with TCN's, can be kind of hard, especially during an insurgent attack....How do you translate for one who doesn't speak english to "MOVE OUT OF THE KILL ZONE?" Instead you get a bunch of non english speaking convoy drivers stopping when being fired upon by insurgents!

This bringing back to mind....."Who's looking after the contractors working in the Iraq War Zone?"

Corporate Accountability and Priority to the Families

Top photos is of Bodies of Blackwater Victims Being Returned to the USA
2nd photo is of the wifes who were left behind and fighting for their rights!


The 4 men brutally murdered (American security contractors who were burned, beaten, dragged through the streets of Fallujah and their decapitated bodies hung from a bridge over the Euphrates River on March 31, 2004) while working for Blackwater were retired military personnel. The men signed on with Blackwater and were dead 2 weeks later. They were killed during their very first mission. Why? Because Blackwater did not provide them with the necessary and promised weapons, vehicles, support and information to be able to successfully perform their jobs.

(AGain I ask who's looking out for the little man?) Where are the IN HOUSE EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PROGRAM'S to help these family and other contractors who are injured and survive these attacks?)

These men died for their country. All their families wanted were answers as to how they died. Instead of giving answers, Blackwater did the inthinkable: They filed suit against the victims' families for $10 million.

Without your help, Blackwater - with its huge war chest and political connections at the highest levels - will succeed in avoiding accountability and destroying 4 innocent families. Please don't let this happen.

Blackwater has spent millions of dollars and hired at least five different law firms to fight the families, rather than meeting and addressing what should be blackwater's top priority - the safety and well being of the mothers, wives and children left behind.
Blackwater has said it will not pay one red cent to assist or console the surviving families.

Monday, June 18, 2007

War, red tape haunt civilian workers...

double click photo to enlarge

An analysis finds a pattern of blocked claims for psychological injuries sustained by contract employees in Iraq and Afghanistan.

By T. Christian Miller, Times Staff Writer
Click the Title above to read entire story!

Lesson Learned?

I read this story and was amazed that how we are re-living Vietnam all over again.
Did we not know that PTSD was going to be part of the major medical claims brought on by contractors who were going into a war zone for work. After Vietnam I just don't see how this was not part of the CORPORATIONS In-house Employee Assistance Programs for contractors going to Iraq.

AIG uses Pharmacological doctors to Evalute PTSD in contractors!

In fighting claims, the insurance companies have relied on doctors with questionable expertise, according to court records and claimants' attorneys.

In one case, an insurance company psychiatrist who specialized in pharmacological research broadly dismissed psychology as "baloney." In another, a psychologist hired by insurance giant American International Group, or AIG, for his supposed expertise in PTSD had seen only 10 to 15 cases in a decade of practice.

The companies have disputed some cases in which their own doctors determined that workers were suffering psychological damage, court records show.

"Two psychologists diagnosed him with post-traumatic stress disorder. As a veteran, Thompson was able to see doctors at the local VA hospital, who also diagnosed him as suffering from PTSD."

"But a doctor hired at($250.00 an hour) by AIG found otherwise. At a hearing in February, the doctor, John Griffith, said one diagnostic exam showed that Thompson was exaggerating his symptoms. He said Thompson did not suffer from PTSD."

The same doctor (Dr.Griffith)making $250 an hour, who's career was in pharmacological research that told the courts that, "a lot" of psychology was "baloney."

UPDATE-Thursday, Jun. 14, 2007

(Overwhelmed by the number of soldiers returning from war with mental problems, the Army is planning to hire at least 25% more psychiatrists, psychologists and social workers.)

I sure would love to know who is FAKING or which is really BALONEY?


Where is OSHA or for that fact...THE UNION? I know in America this would never be allowed, OSHA would have shut the war down by now and the Union would have went on strike!

Is there anyone out there trying to help these Contractors when INJURED?
Who walks them through the DBA Process?
Do they know the DBA EVEN exsist?
Do they or their families know where or how to file a LS203?
Did you know there is a statue of Limations on filing?

Do contractors have to file a claim to be accounted for with the DOL (Department of Labor)
Again one must ask how many contractors have NOT been counted, those who have not filed a claim due to the KBR waiver??? Sign the waiver and get your medal?
***Excerpt from the KBR release waiver:
Paragraph 9. Release: I agree that in consideration for the application for a Defense of Freedom Medal on my behalf that on behalf of myself, my heirs, executors, administrators, assigns and successors, I hereby release, acquit and discharge and do hereby release, acquit and discharge KBR, all KBR employees, the Military and any of their representatives (in both their official and individual capacities), collectively and individually, with respect to and from any and all claims and any and all causes of action, of any kind of character, whether now known or unknown, I may have against any of them which exist as of the date of this authorization and all claims or causes of action arising from or related to this authorization or the use or disclosure of the information or Protected Information described in section 1 above by any of the aforementioned parties. This release also applies to any claims brought by any person or agency or class action under which I may have a right or benefit.

I guess my question would be, "how many Defense of Freedom Medals have been giving out to injured contractors?"
Have these contractors been counted and did they file?

Click the link below to go and read the court cases filed by contractors for KBR employee contractors you must type in Service Employers to find the case, as the department of Texas Workers Comp state that KBR is no more then a head hunter for SEII who is a foreign entity located in the Cayman Islands. And you can do this with any company.